Remission of Tuition and Fees

As a part of its fringe benefits package, UNA向合格雇员及其配偶和合格的受抚养子女提供学费减免.  该福利的资格准则包括但不限于以下内容:

  • Must be a full-time or part-time, regular 员工; and
  • Must be in an active status; and have been active for at least 90 days; (该要求于2021年7月8日暂停执行,并一直保持不变) or
  • Must be an adjunct 员工 (limited to 员工-only remission); and
  • Must be employed at the beginning of the semester in which the individual seeking remission is enrolled; or
  • Must be a retiree (all references to “员工s” apply equally to retirees); or
  • 必须是雇员的配偶或受抚养子女谁死亡或退休,而有资格获得此福利.

希望享受这一福利的员工必须在适当的截止日期前提交指定的电子表格.  The Bursar’s Office establishes an application deadline each semester, and the Office of Human Resources notifies all 员工s of the same.  General information regarding eligibility for remission of tuition and fees, each type of remission request, guidelines for submitting requests, and instructions for submitting requests can be found below. 完整的政策信息,包括该福利的一般指导方针,可以找到 在这里,在… Employee Policy Manual and 手册.  

PLEASE REVIEW THE 政策 有关资格的完整信息和有关减免学杂费的一般信息 之前 SUBMITTING ANY ELECTRONIC 请求.


手册 / 政策